



Rules for being Human (Handed down from ancient Sanskrit)

  1. You will receive a body.
  2. You will learn lessons.
  3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
  4. A lesson is repeated until it is learned.
  5. Learning lessons does not end.
  6. ‘There’ is no better than ‘here’.
  7. Others are merely mirrors of you.
  8. What you make of your life is up to you.
  9. The answers lie inside you.


What is the balance between playing it safe and taking risks? For me the answer is if it hurts more to lose than it helps to win I take a pass. Maybe not the most exciting approach, but this conservative process has served me well. Slow and steady wins the race. – Dad



Remember the bad you’ve done to other people and the good they’ve done for you. Forget the good you’ve done for other people, and the bad they’ve done to you. – Jay Shetty



No one who ever procrastinated over a project said “this is the best work I’ve done” ever.  If you are up against a task you don’t like or excel at stop and ask a friend or co-worker for help. It will yield better results, be a lot more fun and get the job done much faster. – Dad



Warren Buffett’s Ten Rules for Business

  1. Reinvest your profits
  2. Be willing to be different
  3. Never suck your thumb
  4. Spell out the deal before you start
  5. Watch small expenses
  6. Limit what you borrow
  7. Be persistent
  8. Know when to quit
  9. Assess the risks
  10. Know what success really means


Getting curious is how we convince someone to elaborate on an experience. Asking questions such as what, how, or tell me more will always yield more information than silence. People want to talk about themselves, so let them.  – Geoff Smart and Randy Street
