Negotiation is often described as the art of letting the other side have your way. You have to give the other side a chance to put stuff on the table voluntarily. – Chris Voss
If you live by a set of core values stick to them no matter what. People and customers will either gravitate towards you, move away from you or eventually come around to you. Anyone who doesn’t is like trying to stick a square peg in a round hole. They just ain’t gonna fit and you gotta move on. – Dad
Horizontal industries live and die by mass production and mass marketing. They all follow three rules:
2. Opportunity knocks when a technology breakthrough or other fundamental change occurs. Grab it before your competitors do.
3. Price for what the market will bear. Price for volume, then work like the devil on your costs so that you can make money at that price. This will lead you to achieve economies of scale in which large investments that are necessary can be spread out to recoup the costs.- Andrew Grove