One of the fun parts of being a parent is watching your kids perform something you used to do and be remarkably better at it. – Dad
There is a fine line between being tech-savvy and being tech-dependent. Being tech-savvy entails harnessing the power of technology to elevate a process or add value to our lives – communicating, creating, learning, sharing, and working. However, tech dependency is being over-reliant on our digital devices, to the point of feeling like we are unable to function without them. If you are panicked because you forgot your phone at home it might be a sign you’re leaning more one way than the other.
– Dad
My grandfather spent the last years of his life watching TV from his recliner and died at 76. My father spent the last years of his life watching TV from his recliner and died at 79. Both men were so afraid of death that they spent their remaining years hiding from life. Look, we don’t know when our time will be up, but no one dies wishing they spent more time watching TV.
– Dad
Reflecting a bit about my father today. Instead of feeling sorry for myself about how the last 15 years unfolded, I am more resigned to the acceptance that they happened in the only manner possible. There’s comfort in understanding the past is unchangeable. No use dwelling on it.
– Dad
Today is Father’s Day and the first without my Dad. It’s odd because even though we were estranged for many years I thought of him often. Now that he’s gone the permanence has settled in. While I know the past can’t be changed I do take solace knowing that I have strived to learn from my mistakes and set a better example for my own kids.
– Dad