



I’ve been thinking a lot about my friend Jim Wood lately. Two years ago we lost Jim to colon cancer. He was one of the most kind and sincere men I have ever known. I remember the day he called to say he was sick and just like that he was gone leaving behind a wife and two boys. It’s easy to feel sorry for ourselves when things don’t quite go our way, but lean into the notion of impermanence. Life is just too short to sweat the small stuff.

– Dad



There are four key roles parents play when raising a child – Laurie Beth Morales

  1. The Observer – No advice, feedback, or opinions are given here.  Your job is to act as a sounding board and nothing more.
  2. The Consultant – Share your thoughts and perspectives w/out a stake in the outcome. The choice is theirs.
  3. The Negotiator – Here you need to make an appointment to discuss a deep dive topic. Otherwise, the timing might not be right. Keep it short and sweet.
  4. The Decision-Maker – There is no compromise here. My word is the final word. For matters of intervention and of a serious nature.


The fallacy of reciprocation in relationships is simply “if you love me you’ll do what I want.”  When you see that I’m angry you know you’ve broken a rule. But following the rules doesn’t earn love. It just gives a partner permission to tiptoe around the other until the next offense. 

– Byron Katie



Marry someone with whom you have common interests. If the plan is to spend the rest of your life with just one person it makes living that life a lot more fun and rewarding.

– Dad



We are often our own harshest critics, but don’t forget that we can also love ourselves too and that feels a whole lot better.

– Dad



A question I’m asked from time to time is “do you have any regrets or what would you do differently if you knew what you know now?” I’ve thought about this quite a bit and come to the realization that everything has worked out exactly as it should be. At the time I may have preferred a different outcome, but not anymore. Every experience is either a lesson or a gift.

– Dad
