



Sluggish and sedentary peoples, such as the Ancient Egyptians– with their concept of an afterlife journey through the Field of Reeds– project on to the next world the journeys they failed to make in this one. – Bruce Chatwin



Some of it’s magic and some of it’s tragic but I had a good life all the way.” – Jimmy Buffett



Jimmy passed away peacefully on the night of September 1st surrounded by his family, friends, music and dogs.

He lived his life like a song till the very last breath and will be missed beyond measure by so many. – Jimmy Buffett



If you want to change your life and maybe the world remember…

  1. Start each day with a task completed
  2. Find someone to help you through life
  3. Respect everyone
  4. Know that life is not fair and that you will fail often, but if you take some risks, step up when the times are toughest, face down the bullies, lift up the downtrodden and never ever give up. If you do these things then the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we have today.
    -Admiral William McRaven


Know what the difference between hitting .250 and .300 is? It’s 25 hits. 25 hits in 500 at bats is 50 points, okay? There’s 6 months in a season, that’s about 25 weeks. That means if you get just one extra flare a week – just one – a gork… you get a groundball, you get a groundball with eyes… you get a dying quail, just one more dying quail a week… and you’re in Yankee Stadium. – Crash Davis



Sometimes you take a job for one reason only to find out later that the reality vastly exceeds your expectations. Keep an open mind in all things because you just might be surprised by the results. – Dad
