



The Four 7’s – Keith Roberts

This exercise came from the lessons that hospice providers learned from their patients in the last days of their lives. When the time comes to transition out of this life, it isn’t the money we have accumulated, the car we drive, or the houses we live in. The Four 7’s will help you find that same clarity when you still have your entire life ahead of you.

  1. Take a moment to imagine that you know 7 years from today, that your life will end. With the knowledge that you have less than a decade remaining in this world, what do you still want to accomplish?
  2. What would you want to accomplish if you knew that 7 months from today you would be leaving this earth?
  3. Now it’s getting harder, the third 7 is weeks. With less than two months in this lifetime, what’s left for you to do?
  4. The final 7 is the hardest but also the most valuable. The last 7 is days. With one week left in this life, how will you spend each precious second?


Warren, forget about ever buying another company like Berkshire. But now that you control Berkshire, add to it wonderful businesses purchased at fair prices and give up buying fair businesses at wonderful prices.” – Charlie Munger to Warren Buffet in 1965 upon buying Berkshire Hathaway

Business, Family


No matter how many times you praise your kids for excellence they will always remember the one time you yelled at them for not cleaning their room. – Dad #Family



People will forgive you if you take responsibility for your actions. The moment you deny, deflect or place blame is when you lose all credibility. Dad #Family



I have a habit of investing myself too much into my kid’s activities (school or sports). So much so that it causes strain in our relationship. This leads to feelings of inadequacy or being judged. I need to do a better job of recognizing that not every thought which floats through my brain needs to be shared. – Dad #Family



Wastes of Lean (Six Sigma) which hamper operational excellence:

  1. Unnecessary Transportation of Materials
  2. Excess Inventory
  3. Unnecessary Motion of People
  4. Waiting (Choke-Points)
  5. Overproduction
  6. Over-processing (more work than the customer requires)
  7. Material or Informational Defects
  8. Non-Utilized Talent